
Articles - All Original


Footballers and the Tradition of Professional Foot-running

Author: Michael Riley (Edited by Ken Mansell) - Published 2013-05-03 13:03 - (13615 Reads)

Before real money could be made playing football, players with a turn of speed could supplement their income through professional foot-running, especially in the summer months.

From World Professional Sprint Champion Austin Robertson, to the depth of footballer talent at the Stawell Gift, and to the grudge sprint at the 1950 ANFC Football Carnival, this article looks at some of the key names and moments in the history of sprinting footballers.

The footy swap cards that were never swapped

Author: Ken Mansell - Published 2013-04-07 17:22 - (11700 Reads)

Football has always been more than what happened on the field. Ken's story about memories from 1950's Camberwell shows just how much life has changed. Today with TV, magazines and the Internet, we are bombarded with images and choices, but the 1950's were a different time, and the value of Footy cards was much more than the dollars. They were a direct connection into another world.

Mystery Thriller - Cracking a Tough Nut on the Road to Kew

Author: Ken Mansell - Published 2013-03-23 12:19 - (7331 Reads)

You may have stared at an old photo and thought there must be a story behind the anonymous faces looking back at you. Ken has written about how we discovered the story behind one of the most mysterious Boyles football team photos in the State Library of Victoria Collection.

Disclosing the layers of meaning in one particularly curious photo, the article provides an insight into the twists and turns of how football team photos are identified.

Ron Todd 188 Goals in a Season (+82 in other games)

Author: Michael Riley - Published 2013-03-16 14:56 - (11463 Reads)

In 1945, Ron Todd kicked a record 188 goals in a season. This was a remarkable achievement in skill, accuracy, endurance and luck. This article attempts to put this record into a wider context.

The Story of Night Football in Victoria - Part Two - 1935 at Olympic Park

Author: Michael Riley - Published 2013-02-27 00:00 - (7128 Reads)

In this second article on the history of football under lights in Victoria, we focus on a practice match in 1935 between Richmond and South Melbourne at Olympic Park. After the first exhibition games in 1879, this was the next known match under lights in Victoria. The problem was now not technology, but the will and desire to play football at night and when to play it.

Football links in the Australian Dictionary of Biography

Author: Michael Riley - Published 2013-02-19 04:47 - (7580 Reads)

The Australian Dictionary of Biography (ADB) attempts to provide biographies of prominent Australians who have contributed to Australia.

This article provides a brief overview of who the Australian Dictionary of Biography regard as the most important footballers, as well as identifying a substantial number of other prominent Australians with links to Australian Rules Football.

1940 Patriotic Cup - St. Kilda's First Premiership

Author: Michael Riley - Published 2013-02-11 16:31 - (6864 Reads)

In 1940, in the week set aside for the cancelled interstate football carnival, (which was to be held in Tasmania), the VFL ran a 12-team, one-day lightning carnival. St Kilda received a good draw, but still had to defeat 1940 Grand Finalists Richmond to win their first ever VFL Premiership, 26 years before the more famous occasion in 1966.

Advertising from the VFL Football Record 1949-51

Author: Michael Riley - Published 2013-01-29 03:54 - (10188 Reads)

The advertisements in the Football Record provide an insight into the period. Unlike the 1930's where there was advertising for dance halls, the early 1950s advertising includes many of the new consumer products of the time such as portable radios, washing machines, radio shows and due to the high employment levels, even employment advertisements.

Attitudes have changed and a number of examples would not be used today. Cigarette advertisements also stand out as unusual as they are banned in modern advertising.

Football Humour

Author: Michael Riley - Published 2013-01-28 23:01 - (4691 Reads)

While researching information for this website I often come across odd football stories. The stories vary from funny, to odd, to 'what the..?' moments.

I have seen many variations on a theme. There are many stories of stolen goal posts or of kicking a ball into a moving train. I have tried to include a list that is not repetative.

1933 - Round 5 St Kilda v North Melbourne - 15 men defeat 18

Author: Michael Riley - Published 2013-01-14 03:30 - (9265 Reads)

St Kilda scored the most meritorious victory by any league side for some years. It was not so much the brilliance of the football, but rather the dogged determination and real Aussie fighting spirit that enabled them to see it out and win a glorious victory with only 15 men.- Football Record - Round 6 (June 5) 1933 p12

ANFC Football Carnival - Sydney 1933

Author: Michael Riley - Published 2013-01-13 14:09 - (10588 Reads)

ANFC Interstate Football Carnivals had been held since 1908. These events were widely reported and provided many rare opportunities. Players had a chance to travel, The game of football was promoted and celebrated, scouts were able to measure players in other competitions and important rivalries could be revisited.

The 1933 Carnival was won by Victoria.

The Earliest Boyles Football Photos

Author: Michael Riley (Edited by Ken Mansell) - Published 2012-11-27 18:26 - (5636 Reads)

The earliest known Boyles football photos were also published in major newspapers in 1928 and 1929. This leads to a number of questions about Boyles's work in the 1920's.

The Australasian 1931-32: A Selection of Colour

Author: Michael Riley (Edited by Ken Mansell) - Published 2012-11-12 15:08 - (8338 Reads)

The Australasian newspaper was a weekly newspaper, in many ways a competitor to the Weekly Times. In the early 1930's both newspapers included colourised photos to attract readers.

This page includes a selection of pages from the 1931 and 1932 Australasian.

Jim Edema - Cartoons from the Argus 1950

Author: Michael Riley (Edited by Ken Mansell) - Published 2012-10-09 05:51 - (8050 Reads)

Jim Edema was a regular contributor to the The Sun News Pictorial (Melbourne), but in 1950 worked for the Argus. The images on this page are from the 1950 Argus.

Advertising from the VFL Football Record 1941-43

Author: Michael Riley - Published 2012-09-13 23:23 - (3283 Reads)

The State Library of Victoria's digitized version of the VFL Football Record is a useful primary source for football research. The Football Record was sold at grounds on match day. During the Second World War, football continued and so did the record. The record included less advertising during the war years than at other times. There were many appears to support the war effort by attending charity events, or purchasing war bonds.

The selection of advertisements that appear here is not exhaustive and is a selection of the 'most interesting' advertisements during the 1941 to 1943 period. The advertisements provide a small insight into wartime Melbourne.

Advertising from the VFL Football Record 1929-32

Author: Michael Riley (Edited by Ken Mansell) - Published 2012-09-13 10:24 - (5662 Reads)

The State Library of Victoria's digitized version of the VFL Football Record is a useful primary source for football research.

As I searched the Football Record for other purposes, the advertisements kept catching my eye. After a while I began to collect them. Below I have reproduced the most interesting advertisements of the 1929-32 period. Many of the advertisements in the Football Record incorporated a football theme, and I hope you find them of similar interest.

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Boyles Photos by Year//Interesting Games 1890s, 1900s, 1910s, 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s

Outside Football

General links to footballers' occupations and links to other sports. Links to Outside Football
